It’s Just a Little Cold; Nothing to Worry About – Room: Hospital of the Black Death – December 16, 2016


Play if… you love the board game Pandemic or the mobile game Plague Inc., or thought learning about the Black Plague in school was fascinating.

Avoid if… you are a hypochondriac.


Room Escape DC

Address: 3949A University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030 (click address for Google Map)

Contact and Website: 703-865-4178

The Room

Description (from the company website): You and your team are a group of archeologists searching for a lost, legendary treasure cache from World War II. You explore the most remote areas of Eastern Europe, imagining piles of glittering gold, and trunks full of rubies, emeralds, and diamonds. But it is not treasure you find.

You stumble upon a hospital that is not noted on any of your maps. It is decrepit. It is abandoned. Some members of your team think this lost, peculiar hospital is sure to house the treasure you so desperately seek. So, you enter. And now, you cannot get out.

You find this hospital was deserted because it was the site of a deadly virus outbreak. You and your group have all been exposed to the infamous pandemic: the Black Death. Even if you escape, you will not survive.

It is up to you and your team to devise a cure to save yourselves from this deadly pathogen. Quick: your skin is growing black, and darkness is setting in. You will have to work together to uncover the mysteries of this forsaken place. Your fate is in your hands.

Difficulty (1-10)3 of 3

Time Limit: 60 minutes

Cost: $27 + tax per person

Identifier: R1

Party Size: 2-8 people

Staging Area: Decently sized lobby with plenty of seating. Two separate restrooms located off the main lobby.

Metro Access/Parking: Parking garage around the corner, but no metro.



Description of the room: The room that you enter looks like a a room in an old insane asylum. Medical stuff is strewn around and you get an uneasy feeling that you’re about to be locked in this room that has some weird juju going on.

Understanding of the Mission: Find out the cure to the plague and make the cure before it kills you!

Did We Escape: Yes, and we were the first to escape from this room (it opened that night)!

Time Remaining: 2:22… close, but we did it.

Our Suggested Party Size: We had 7

Did the room challenge the entire team? Yes, and we were able to work on clues independently and help out when others got stuck.

Members of our team (other than the ERG): Katheryn, Mark, Stephanie and Tara.

Team Disturbed Friends (Katheryn, Mark, Stephanie, Mike; Tara, Jason) found the antidote and prevented the outbreak of the plague (and didn't die themselves!). Photo courtesy of Room Escape DC's Facebook page.
Team Disturbed Friends (Katheryn, Mark, Stephanie, Mike; Tara, Jason) found the antidote and prevented the outbreak of the plague (and didn’t die themselves!). Photo courtesy of Room Escape DC’s Facebook page.

Worth the time and money? Yes, and we actually got a discount for booking the entire room because we did two rooms in the same night (they also sometimes offer discounts to try out the new rooms on the opening nights/weekends).

Where to Eat/Drink Before/After:

  • The Green Turtle – sports bar w/ standard bar food. Karaoke was going on the night we stopped in.
  • The Wine House – stop in for a glass of wine and dessert.

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